Communication App
Basic Communication: The app focuses on establishing fundamental communication protocols.
What I learned
- Socket Server/Client
- Synchronous/Asynchronous Http communication using OkHttp
- Thread
- runOnUiThread
- JSON parse using GSON
Key Functions
- Server runs on PC, Client runs on Android app
- Client makes a request asynchronously
- Client parses the response (JSON to Data class)
Socket Communication in a Main Thread
Error: android.os.NetworkOnMaininTreadException
Action: Ensured that socket communication functions within a separate thread, preventing potential issues in the main thread.
Explanation: Network communication might need long time to finish, this can be block the UI(main) Thread.
UI handing in Main Thread
Error: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException
: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
Action: Avoided UI-related methods running in the main thread by utilizing the runOnUiThread scope.
HTTP Communication with OkHttp
: CLEARTEXT communication to not permitted by network security policy
Action: When communicating using HTTP, OkHttp requires the clear text option to be set to true, but this is not necessary for socket communication.