Articles in this series
서버 주도 UI 방식으로 구현된 커머셜 앱 프로젝트 · Overview 이전 포스팅에서 다룬 개념을 실제 프로젝트에 적용해보고 관련 기술과 구현 경험을 쌓기 위한 토이 프로젝트입니다. 서버 주도 UI(Server-Driven UI)란? 직렬화와 비직렬화:...
Overview This app subscribes to Google News RSS feeds, allowing users to explore news from various categories and search for news articles using...
Overview This project aims to facilitate user searches by allowing them to input a username. Upon entering the desired username, the system displays a...
Overview Basic Communication: The app focuses on establishing fundamental communication protocols. What I learned Socket...
Overview This application enables users to record their voice and play it back using MediaRecorder and MediaPlayer functionalities. Users can visually...
Overview This app allows users to conveniently manage their favorite webtoon pages. The app features three tabs for viewing webtoons, and a 'Back to...